October 04, 2005
Lady of The Night Bird
I remember when I was a child, I didn't have a particular gender. I was a girl, and sometimes a boy. I was born with the river. To a point where I no longer know if it was I who followed the river or the river which followed me.
…An old, hunchback woman often came to macerate leaves. She called it “saiao”.
Bryophyllum calycinum Bryophyllum calycinum Bryophyllum calycinum
B r y o p h y l l u m c a l y c i n u m
When I was a child, I didn't have a particular gender. I was a girl, and sometimes a boy.
What you do to me, I will do to you.
The tree in the fields has a crown on its head.
Cotton doesn’t make a heavy load
But it doesn’t pack tightly.
Bird which descends softly
Secret wind of the earth.
Secret wind of the sky.
Long shadow, great bird which flies to all places.
How difficult it is for day to become night!
Elegant bird which flies.
Lady of the night bird.