O "Le Monde Diplomatique" inicia sua edição de outrubro 2005 dando o destaque ao Brasil, ao lado de catástrophes naturais, com o "escândalo do mensalão" que está devastando o país e a imagem ética do PT. Essa mesma ética, que agora foi para as cucuias, mas na qual todo mundo acreditava tanto quanto a gente acreditava em se benzer com água benta. Hoje em dia a gente tem até nojo de colocar a ponta do dedo naquela água, tempos de hyper-higiene obrigando certos gestos vergonhosos contra a graça de um Deus em quem se deve colocar toda fé e esperança, falta de poder entender o que realmente está acontecendo. Quanto ao presidente, só o tempo dirá se seu nome foi realmente afetado. Teremos que esperar as próximas eleições para ver até aonde vai a esperança do povo, ou o poder do deus em questão, já que muitos acreditam que ele ouve súplicas. Ignacio Ramonet, ele, usa a metáfora de um furacão devastador para descrever o triste estado de danos em que o escândalo deixou o país. Foi devastação mesmo ou não? Muita gente declara : "Eu já sabia…", deixando no ar a suspeita de uma fatalista premonição do destino que alguma entidade, tão misteriosa quanto inantigível, sempre legou ao povo. Mas muita gente não está entendendo nada. Em todo caso, muito felizes estão os da Casa Branca - eles que gostam tanto deste deus em questão - , e do jeito que as coisas vão, parece que são os verdadeiros vencedores.
Chronologie très détaillée : "Scandale des mensualités", l’encyclopédie libre Wikipedia.
The Mensalão scandal, known in Brazil as the "escândalo do mensalão", dominated the politics of Brazil in 2005 and currently threatens to bring down the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
Documents multimédia sur Scandale des mensualités/Imagens relacionadas.
September 29, 2005
Brasil, o estrago
Le silence de la mer : film réalisé par Pierre Boutron
«J'appris ce jour-là qu'une main peut, pour qui sait l'observer, refléter les émotions aussi bien qu'un visage, - aussi bien et mieux qu'un visage car elle échappe davantage au contrôle de la volonté.»
VERCORS (Jean Bruller), Le silence de la mer, Albin Michel, Paris, 1952[1942].
Durant l'Occupation, un officier allemand épris de culture française réquisitionne, pour se loger, la maison d’une famille comprenant qu’un vieil homme et sa petite-fille, musicienne passionnée. À partir de ce fait, nous sommes introduits, en effleurements, dans une relation que se construit peu à peu au travers le silence tenace de ses deux personnages face à l’officier allemand, cultivé, sensible et lui aussi musicien; au mutisme et mépris de ses hôtes, il répond avec un persévérant et authentique appétit des belles choses, belles paroles et beaux sentiments. C’est un esprit qui cherche, dans un monde désolé par l'horreur de la guerre, le contact avec d’autres esprits qu’il sait son égal et que dans son entêtement à freiner ce silence impitoyable, entame avec eux une relation nourrie par ses propres monologues mais dont l'intensité dramatique nous plonge dans un univers quotidien trouble et complexe, fait de regards, de silences, d'attente et des sentiments d'attirance. Par patriotisme, ils sont déterminés à éprouver de la haine par cet homme, qui, malgré son rôle d’ennemi, caresse leurs âmes avec des agréables frôlements d’humanisme.
Un amour naîtra de cette relation, un grand amour, mais nous quittons le salon avec une pesanteur dans le cœur …et notre cœur devient si ravagé que ces champs de bataille lorsque nous réfléchissons à la condition humaine. Triste et tragique, l’histoire nous fait comprendre comme il est rare de rencontrer des êtres que nous ressemblent et avec qui nous désirons, tout naturellement, nous communiquer, mais ce contact entre êtres nés pour s’entendre est fatalement ruiné par l’insanité de la guerre. L’existence de barrières parmi êtres humains prêts à se communiquer, établies hors de leur volonté, c’est un vrai gâchis.
Le silence de la mer est une nouvelle de Jean Bruller écrite sous le pseudonyme de Vercors et publiée clandestinement en 1942. L'histoire a été reprise dans un film de Jean-Pierre Melville en 1947. Le téléfilm, présenté par TV5 hier, a été réalisé par Pierre Boutron en 2004, à partir de deux nouvelles de Vercors : "Le silence de la mer" et "Ce jour-là".
Ce film m’a fait connaître un très grand acteur, Thomas Jouannet, dans le rôle du bel officier allemand pour qui on serait, tous et toutes, tombés éperdument amoureux par sa finesse et sa beauté; Julie Delarme et Michel Galabru, dans les rôles de la petite-fille et du vieil homme, forment avec Jouannet, un trio d’excellentes comédiens.
Le réalisateur a su avec une grâce et une élégance remarquables nous montré l’évolution de cette relation jusqu'à sa fin, nous permettant de plonger dans l’état d’esprit des personnages et de comprendre l’atmosphère général dans un film presque sans dialogues. C’est effectivement un grand filme qui mériterait être dans les grands écrans. Et cela venu de moi, que vous confesse mon total manque d’intérêt par le cinéma français des dernières années, avec rares exceptions. Alors, je me demande, pourquoi de tels chefs d’œuvres ne sont pas diffusés dans les grands écrans?
Les mots, selon mon souvenir, de Werner, l’officier, s’adressant au regard frissonnant de Jeanne :
Ce que j’aime dans la mer c’est sont silence. Je ne parle pas des… ressacs … mais de ce qu’est caché… de ce qu’on devine. Je suis très heureux, très heureux d’être ici avec un vieil homme digne et d’une demoiselle si silencieuse.
The Brazilian Cinema I
We’re a small group talking about the difficulty finding good Brazilian movies in Montreal. "La Boite Noire" is the best place for renting movies here, but they don't have a good Brazilian repertory. So, the guys asked me to talk about some of them that I saw and liked. Well, I will not talk about City of God, Central Station, Carandiru, Pixote since they are well-known. Those which are in "La Boite Noire" and which I didn't like, I will not even quote them. Here starts my list:
Lavoura Arcaica - Awards
The Left of the Father
2001 - Family Drama
Director: Luís Fernando Carvalho
A subversive re-working of the parable of the prodigal son, as experienced by a family of Lebanese immigrants to the interior of Brazil, at the turn of the last century. André is the son who errs is lost and then found. And whose return and incestuous yearnings, threaten to destabilize a family already divided along Biblical lines - between those who sit to the right and those who sit ‘to the left of the father’. Adapted from a novel by Raduan Nassar, Lavoura Arcaica was written, directed, and edited by Luiz Fernando Carvalho; it was his first theatrical feature after a celebrated career in Brazilian television.
• Paris Cinema: Avant-Premières• Libération: Un "Père" pas vraiment pépère• Cahiers du Cinema: Les pieds dans le terre• Premiére: Si vous aimez la transe et la transgression• CinéLive: A la droite du fils• Le Figaro: Pasolini des tropiques
The Dog's will - Awards
O Auto da Compadecida
1999 - Fiction
Director: Alexandre Stockler and Guel Arraes
Describes the comic adventures of João Grilo and Chicó. They are the leading thread that intertwines three stories. Shot in north-eastern Brazil, where the story is played, the plot is treated so that it establishes a parallel between that Brazilian region in the 1930’s and Europe in the Middle Ages.
The Man Who Copied - Awards
O Homem que Copiava
2004 - Comedy
Director: Jorge Furtado
André lives in a small city in southern Brazil, and works as a photocopier operator. He is quietly in love with Silvia, who works selling clothes. Becoming attracted to her, he tries to get nearer, and goes to her shop to buy something, but finds out that he can't afford it. So he puts the photocopier to other uses, and begins to envisage fishy schemes to earn some money.
The Storytellers - Awards
Narradores de Javé
Fiction - 2002
Director: Eliane Caffé
Javé Village may disappear, flooded by the waters of a huge hydroelectric power plant. They decides to defend its existence using a rather uncommon strategy: since the majority of the population is good at storytelling, but is mostly illiterate, there is a need to find a suitable clerk to perform the task to write the village’s history.
Lavoura Arcaica - Awards
The Left of the Father
2001 - Family Drama
Director: Luís Fernando Carvalho
A subversive re-working of the parable of the prodigal son, as experienced by a family of Lebanese immigrants to the interior of Brazil, at the turn of the last century. André is the son who errs is lost and then found. And whose return and incestuous yearnings, threaten to destabilize a family already divided along Biblical lines - between those who sit to the right and those who sit ‘to the left of the father’. Adapted from a novel by Raduan Nassar, Lavoura Arcaica was written, directed, and edited by Luiz Fernando Carvalho; it was his first theatrical feature after a celebrated career in Brazilian television.
• Paris Cinema: Avant-Premières• Libération: Un "Père" pas vraiment pépère• Cahiers du Cinema: Les pieds dans le terre• Premiére: Si vous aimez la transe et la transgression• CinéLive: A la droite du fils• Le Figaro: Pasolini des tropiques
The Dog's will - Awards
O Auto da Compadecida
1999 - Fiction
Director: Alexandre Stockler and Guel Arraes
Describes the comic adventures of João Grilo and Chicó. They are the leading thread that intertwines three stories. Shot in north-eastern Brazil, where the story is played, the plot is treated so that it establishes a parallel between that Brazilian region in the 1930’s and Europe in the Middle Ages.
The Man Who Copied - Awards
O Homem que Copiava
2004 - Comedy
Director: Jorge Furtado
André lives in a small city in southern Brazil, and works as a photocopier operator. He is quietly in love with Silvia, who works selling clothes. Becoming attracted to her, he tries to get nearer, and goes to her shop to buy something, but finds out that he can't afford it. So he puts the photocopier to other uses, and begins to envisage fishy schemes to earn some money.
The Storytellers - Awards
Narradores de Javé
Fiction - 2002
Director: Eliane Caffé
Javé Village may disappear, flooded by the waters of a huge hydroelectric power plant. They decides to defend its existence using a rather uncommon strategy: since the majority of the population is good at storytelling, but is mostly illiterate, there is a need to find a suitable clerk to perform the task to write the village’s history.
The Meatrix
Subject: Watch this great film - The Meatrix
[...]to watch The Meatrix, a four minute animated movie that spoofs the Matrix films and stars a cow, a pig and a chicken. The Meatrix has won many awards, has been seen by millions of people, and has been critically acclaimed by both press and viewers.
Check it out at http://www.themeatrix.com/
And if you've already seen The Meatrix, check out our updated information
at http://www.themeatrix.com/action
The Meatrix Team
[...]to watch The Meatrix, a four minute animated movie that spoofs the Matrix films and stars a cow, a pig and a chicken. The Meatrix has won many awards, has been seen by millions of people, and has been critically acclaimed by both press and viewers.
Check it out at http://www.themeatrix.com/
And if you've already seen The Meatrix, check out our updated information
at http://www.themeatrix.com/action
The Meatrix Team
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